Tips for NEW Leaders
This is a reasonably short list of suggestions for the new Cub Scout Leader. Some excellent suggestions!!
US Scouting Service Project
This is a ton of links to nearly all things Scouting!!
Baloo's Bugle Main Page
A tremendous resource related to the themes throughout the year.
Similar to Cub Scout Program Helps in terms of content.
This is like a newsletter and the monthly issues can be downloaded.
MacScouter Cub Scouts links
An excellent source of Cub Scouting information.
Resources for Cubmasters and Cub Leaders.
Scouter Magazine links
Access to information at
The Virtual Cub Leader's Handbook
A variety of information useful for Cubmasters and Cub Leaders.
Bill Smith's Links Page
As he says on his page "The World Wide Web has literally hundreds of sites dedicated to Cub Scouting and thousands more that can be resources to leaders parents and boys." Have at um...
Suggested Pack Library
Thanks to Jeff Agle for the Links and his web site that he shared at the 2002 Pow Wow.
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