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Cub Scout Sports

Flag Football
This sport was added in September, 2002.
Belt Loop
Complete these three requirements:
- Explain or discuss the simple rules of flag football with your den.
- Practice running, passing, and catching skills for at least 30 minutes.
- Play a game of flag football.
Sports Pin
Earn the Flag Football belt loop, and complete five of the following
- Layout and properly mark a flag football field at a park or playground.
- Explain the difference between defense and offense in a flag football
- Describe five different positions a player may play in flag football. Name
the position that you prefer to play.
- During three half-hour sessions, practice the skills of passing,
hand-offs, rushing, and running.
- Participate in a flag-football clinic.
- Consider all the people who make it possible to play a game of flag
football. List parents, coaches, team members, scorekeepers, referees,
groundskeepers, etc,
- Play in five flag football games without incurring a penalty.
- Explain and demonstrate at least six football officiating signals.
- Attend a high school, college, or community league football game.
- Read a book about a football player and tell your den or family about the
player's training and work ethics.
- Talk with a referee or official of a high school, college, or community
football league and learn about the job he or she does at a football game.