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Hey, Bobcat ! Do a good turn...
( ...then turn it over ! )
The first 'earned' rank of a Cub Scout, and their first badge! These
ceremonies are designed to welcome 7 and 8 year old boys to the Cub Scout
progression. Typically performed early in the Scouting year (in the Fall),
these Bobcat ceremonies are a great way to encourage advancement, and to
bring these younger Cubs into your Pack family.
The following 30+ Bobcat ceremonies focus on all aspects of the Bobcat
experience, from recognitions along the eight tracks of the Bobcat Trail to
final advancement. |
"Mohawk" Bobcat Ceremony
Michael McCumber,
Cubmaster, Pack 81, Chelmsford, MA
Electric campfire (or real one if you're outside)
Campfire is lit, the room is dark other than the campfire. The Cubmaster
sits at the campfire. Hopefully the campfire is bright enough to read the
ceremony. A microphone can be placed in/near the electric campfire so that
the cubs can be heard and so that the Cubmaster doesn't have to speak
loudly. The Cubmaster does almost all the talking. The text below can be
added to by asking questions of the boys and by referring to specific things
about the boys, dens, or pack. Make it personal, Cubmaster to the boys
getting their bobcat.
(Some of my ancestors were members of the Mohawk Indian Nation, so I used
that. But others can use a nation that was in their area. Describe the
Indian nation a little bit as an introduction)
Cubmaster: (to all) When a Mohawk boy has learned
certain skills or knowledge, an elder of the tribe sits with him at a fire
and questions him about what he has learned and gives him some advice for
his next stage of learning. Will (name the boys) please come and join me at
the council fire.
Cubmaster: (Talking to the boys, not the whole pack)
The Bobcat trail has seven tracks:
MORE: At this point, the cubmaster can use one of the other ceremonies
for Bobcat. Present the badges to the parents, pin the badge on upside down,
[ Back To The Top ]
Painted Bobcats With
Belt Totems
Author: Peter Van
Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmaster or Den Leader, Bobcats, and parents.
- Face Paint colors -- Blue & Yellow
- Bobcat pin & Patch
- Prepared Belt totem -A leather belt totem with the Cub Scout logo
stamped in the middle with your Pack numerals stamped above the logo.
There are 5 holes at the bottom of the totem. Starting from left to right
we put 3 beads on a leather lace, with the exception of the center where
we put a plastic Arrowhead. Order of colors are: Yellow, Red, light blue,
dark blue. Each represents a step in the Cub Scout trail -- Bobcat, Wolf,
Bear, Webelos, and the arrowhed as the focal point points the direction to
the Arrow of light.
Cubmaster: Tonight, we are honored to have among us a
boy (or boys) who has completed the requirements for the Bobcat
badge. The Bobcat badge is an important part of the Cub Scout Trail, it is
the foundation upon which a boy begins his trek toward the Arrow of Light.
Would the following boys and their parents please come forward!
(boys come forward)
Boy's you've accomplished the first step in Cub Scouting. In all things
there is always a first....the first stone layed in a new building, the
first step across a bridge. The first is sometimes the hardest, but thats
because it lays the foundation or the strength for what follows. The Bobcat
badge is your foundation. The trail of Scouting lies ahead of you, but don't
be afraid. You won't have to do it alone. You'll have lots of help from your
Akela... Akela can be your parents, your den leader, even I your cubmasater
will help you along the trail, helping you become successful.
As a symbol of your achievement and of becoming a member of this pack, I
ask my assistant to give you the colors of Cub Scouting...blue on the right
cheek, yellow on the left.
(Asst. CM or Den Leader puts blue and yellow mark on each boys cheek)
Your parents stand here with you as an example to show they are proud and
that they are there to help you, just like they helped you earn the Bobcat
badge. I am presenting your Bobcat badge to your parents who in turn will
present you.
(Award badges to Parents, who in turn present the badge to the boys)
Furthermore, I have made a small token to remind you of this day. As you
wear this totem note that all of the ranks are connected...connected by the
Cub Scout logo. They all come to a point at the arrowhead, which someday I
hope I will be able to present you with your arrow of light.
(present belt totems)
Boys, parents and guests of Pack [number] please join me in
congratulating these boys in their achievement with the Cub Scout Cheer.
(I yell "CUB" -- audience yells "SCOUTS" (3 times) than conclude with
a rousing clapping.)
[ Back To The Top ]
Chief Akela's Bobcat
Author: Pack 43 of
Larkspur, CA
Akela (Cubmaster in Native American costume), Assistant Cubmaster,
Den Leader(s), 6 Webelos Scouts, Bobcat candidates and their parents.
- Advancement ladder
- Blank coup sticks for the new Bobcats
- Arrow of Light candelabra
- Script concealed on the shelf behind it
- Bobcat badges for advancing Cubs
The ceremony begins with the beating of the ceremonial drum by the Asst.
Cubmaster. Akela then approaches the campfire from the center aisle, so that
all present can see his regalia.
Akela: Why do you sound the ceremonial drum?
Asst. Cubmaster: Because we have boys who seek the fun
of Cub Scouting.
Akela: Have these boys been properly prepared?
Asst. Cubmaster: Yes, Akela, they have. As Tiger Cubs
they have learned the Tiger Cub motto. The Bobcat candidates now know the
Cub Scout Motto, Promise, and Law of the Pack. They know the Cub Scout sign,
salute, and handshake. Each boy has prepared himself to move to the next
step of Cub Scouting by his thoughts, deeds, and participation in the Pack.
Akela: Many moons before the paleface came to America,
the Indian lived and hunted in these great redwood forests. Food was
plentiful. The fields were rich with berries, the water with fish, and the
woods were full of game. The tribes lived in villages near the great
"earth-mother" , who we call "Diablo".
I am Akela, the Great Chief of the Webelos tribe and the head of the
council of braves. Our totem is the Arrow of Light, which is the final goal
of all cub scouts and the highest honor they can earn. This board shows the
Arrow of Light and points the way of the trail. The arch represents progress
along the cub scout trail to boy scouts. The candle which I now light
represents the Spirit of Akela and the light of Cub Scouts.
We learn our ways from the wisest of the forest animals. From the Wolf we
learn the language of the ground, we learn to follow the tracks of other
animals, and we learn the ways of the food of the forest. From the Bear, we
learn the secrets of the trees and birds, the language of the air and the
But to begin the Cub Scout journey, we follow the Bobcat, a tenacious
creature which is always hungry for knowledge and adventure. (to the
Cubmaster) Cubmaster, which boys are ready to take the sign of the
Asst. Cubmaster: Akela, we have ___ boys who are
prepared to take the sign of the Bobcat. (read the list), please come
forward with your parents.
Akela: Do these boys know the things required to be a
Cub Scout?
Asst. Cubmaster: Yes, Akela, they do. I would like the
my Webelos Scouts to come forward at this time. Webelos means "We'll be
Loyal Scouts" , so it is only right that these boys administer the Cub Scout
Promise, Law of the Pack, Motto, Sign, Salute and Handshake.
First Webelos Scout: Boys, make the cub scout sign and
recite the cub scout promise with me.
I (name) promise to do my duty to God and my country, to help
other people and to obey the Law of the Pack. ("two")
Akela: Each candle on the Board represents a part of the
Cub Scout Promise. The first part of the promise is "to do my best" . As a
Cub Scout, we do not ask or expect you to be perfect. But we expect you to
do the best you possibly can as you seek the Arrow of Light. (name the
first Bobcat) _________________, please step forward and light the first
candle, which represents doing your best.
"To do my duty to God and my country" . Duty means what you ought to do.
Practice your religion, be a good American, and obey our country1s laws.
(name the second Bobcat) ____________________, please come forward and
light the second candle, which represents doing your duty to God and
"To help other people" . When you receive your Bobcat badge, it will be
given to you upside down. After you do a good deed, you can turn it right
side up. This reminds us to always help others who are in need. (name the
next Bobcat) ______________________, step forward and light the next
candle which represents helping other people.
In the Cub Scout Promise, we say we will obey the Law of the Pack,
knowledge of which is also a requirement of the first rank of Bobcat.
Second Webelos Scout: Boys, make the Cub Scout sign and
recite the Law of the Pack with me:
The Cub Scout follows Akela. The Cub Scout makes the Pack go. The Pack
makes the Cub Scout grow. The Cub Scout gives goodwill. ("two")
This law has a special meaning for Cub Scouts. "The Cub Scout follows
Akela." Akela may be your father, mother, teacher, den leader, or cubmaster.
In fact, it can be anyone who helps you learn about the world around you,
because a good scout listens and learns. Remember, any good leader must
first learn to follow. (name the next Bobcat) ___________________,
please step forward and light the first candle, which represents following
"The Cub Scout makes the Pack go." You are a member of a pack - Pack
[number] - and you are each a member of a den. (mention the specific dens
now if appropriate) You help the pack go by attending all meetings and
by completing the requirements and electives of each rank. By being an
active scout you help others in your den and in the pack do the same.
___________________, please come forward and light the next candle, which
represents the cub scout's role in supporting his pack.
"The Pack makes the Cub Scout grow." The other members of the pack will
help you learn new things. You will do a lot of things together and have a
lot of fun. Remember that as a group we can do much, much more than any of
us can do alone. ________________________, please come forward and light the
next candle, which represents the importance of teamwork in the success of
our Pack.
"The Cub Scout gives goodwill." If you smile at others, they will smile
back. Your first act as a Bobcat will be to do a good turn. Always think
about what you can do for others - they don't have to be big things, for
little things help, too. ___________________, please light the candle which
represents the goodwill that Scouting brings all over the world.
Now we have lit all the candles, and you probably think you know all
there is to being a cub scout. Well, in a way you do and in a way you don't.
You will learn a great deal more. Remember that sometimes we are weak and
falter. (snuff out a candle) If we falter once, the light on the path
is still bright. But if you are weak and falter many times, see how the
light dims into darkness (snuff out several candles). But if you are
true to yourself, the light of Akela is always near, and if you do your best
the light of Akela will help you find your way along the path as you follow
the Arrow of Light in scouting. (relight candles)
Now you will demonstrate the other signs of Cub Scouting. Webelos Scout,
do these candidates know the Cub Scout Motto?
3rd Webelos: Yes, Akela, they do. Candidates, repeat the
Cub Scout Motto with me: "Do Your Best." You don't have to be perfect, just
do your best. Akela, as you can see, they do know the Cub Scout Motto.
Akela: Webelos Scout, do they know the Cub Scout Sign?
4th Webelos: Yes, Akela, they do. Candidates, show me
you know the Cub Scout Sign. Always make them with your arm straight and the
wolf ears held high. This sign means everyone should be silent and
attentive. It reminds us that before we speak, teach and lead, we must
listen, learn and follow. Akela, as you can see, they do know the Cub Scout
Akela: Webelos Scout, do they know the Cub Scout Salute?
5th Webelos: Yes, Akela, they do. Candidates, show me
you know the Cub Scout Salute. Hold your arm straight and be proud that you
are an American and a Cub Scout. You will use the salute in countless flag
ceremonies during your Cub Scout years. Akela, as you can see, they do know
the Cub Scout Salute.
Akela: Webelos Scout, do they know the Cub Scout
6th Webelos: Make the Cub Scout handshake with me. We
will all now congratulate you on becoming Bobcats in Pack [number]. Akela,
as you can see, they do know the Cub Scout Handshake. (All Webelos boys
shake hands with the new Bobcats and take their seats)
Akela: Boys, you are growing up in a world of your own.
It will be different than the world your parents grew up in. But throughout
your journey, your parents will help you find the way. In scouting, you will
learn about a great number of things, like your American heritage and what
to do in an emergency. At every step, your parents will help you with these
tasks. And so, we ask them to join us in the cub scout parent's promise:
We, the parents of a cub scout / do promise to assist our son in earning
his cub scout badges / and to judge him as the individual he is. / We will
be faithful in our attendance at pack meetings / and assist in every
possible way as we help our son to do his best.
We are now ready to pin the Bobcat badge on these boys. Only one obstacle
remains, and that is the requirement that the badge be pinned on upside down
until these new bobcats do their first good turns. Only then can the badge
be worn right side up.
Asst. Cubmaster: Congratulations, new Bobcats! Now I
would like to present you with your coup stick. This will be our way of
monitoring your advancement during your years as a Cub Scout. You will be
able to paint it a color chosen by your Den and make markings on it to
signify each achievement in Cub Scouts. Please take your coup stick, place
it on the Bobcat rung of the Advancement Ladder, and be seated with your
Akela: This concludes this ceremony. I now return to the
forests of Mount Diablo to prepare for spring. In June, I will return to
help each boy who remains graduate to the next step in Cub Scouts. Good
[ Back To The Top ]
This Is Cub Scouting
Author: Unknown
Cubmaster, six parents.
A log board with six candles, a table.
The room lights are out. A candleholder with six candles, three blue and
three yellow, is ' on a table. The six parents each light a candle and
present their part of the ceremony.
lst Parent: Some people think Cub Scouting is only for
boys, but it isn't. Cub Scouting is for the family.
2nd Parent: Mothers and dads, as they work in Cub
Scouting with their boys, are able to maintain their natural relationship
with them, yet they come to see their boy's play and leisure in a new light.
The Cub Scout advancement program ensures closer boy-parent relationships.
3rd Parent: Cub Scouts arc considerate of others. They
promise to help other people and to do their best. When parents sign their
boy's membership applications, they take as their motto: We will help our
son do his best.
4th Parent: Cub Scouting is an introduction to the
program of the Boy Scouts of America. Each part is packed with challenges
most appropriate to the boy's age, and leads to the next phase. Thus, when
our Cub Scouts join a Webelos den and earn the Arrow of Light Award, they
are prepared to enter Boy Scouting.
5th Parent: Cub Scouting in all its phases operates to
strengthen the family by living, playing, and growing together.
6th Parent: Today your boy is a second-grader. He has
only a few more years of boyhood left before he looks away from home for his
growing interests. What you do together today is important. Tomorrow may be
too late.
Cubmaster: Will all parents pledge their support to Cub
Scouting? Now, join with the Cub Scouts in the Cub Scout sign and repeat the
Cub Scout Promise with me. I, [name], promise to do my best, to do my duty
to God and my country, to help other people, and to obey the Law of the
Parents' Participation
The success of pack leaders is often measured by the extent to which
parents support their Cub Scout sons and the pack program.
If leaders expect parents to meet their pack obligations, leaders must
make these obligations clear to the parents before their boys become Cub
The Parents' Participation Promise can be used as a part of any Bobcat
induction ceremony.
After the newly inducted Bobcats have repeated the Cub Scout Promise, ask
the parents to repeat the following promise:
I, [name], promise to do my best to help my son to be a good Cub Scout,
to encourage him to fulfill the Cub Scout Promise and obey the Law of the
Pack. I promise to assist him in his Cub Scout achievements and electives;
to cooperate with the den leader, Cubmaster, and pack committee members; and
to participate actively in Cub Scouting.
[ Back To The Top ]
Akela's Scale
Author: Unknown
Cubmaster, den chief, den leader, Bobcat candidates, and parents.
A table, a ceremonial board consisting of an arrow with three candles on a
balance (wood dowels, painted blue and gold or designed as totem poles,
could be substituted for candles), Bobcat badges, certificates of
Cubmaster: Will the candidates and their parents please
come forward and face the pack. (Pause.) You have come to be inducted
into our Cub Scout family as members of Pack [number]. You are ready to
start your adventure along Akela's trail.
Here is the arrow (points to ceremonial board) that points the way
along the trail. You see on the arrow the badges you can earn: the Wolf, the
Bear, the Webelos badges, and the Arrow of Light Award. The parts of Cub
Scouting that do not show are the values you will learn and the good times
you will have. This is the scale of Akela. Both the parents and the Cub
Scouts are important to keep the scale in balance.
(To den chief.) [Name], please light the candle representing the
Cub Scouts. (Lights the candle on feather end.) (To den leader.)
[Name], will you light the candle for the parents? (Points to the candle
on the arrow point. If substituting, place dowels in arrow at the
appropriate time.)
If the boy does not do his part, the scale is out of balance, and the
program goes downhill. (Removes candle-or dowel-representing boys, then
replaces it.) On the other hand, if the parent's part is taken away, the
scale is out of balance in the other direction and the Cub Scout loses his
way along Akela's trail. (Removes candle-or dowel representing parents,
then replaces it.)
So you see, to keep Cub Scouting in perfect balance, both Cub Scouts and
parents must take part in the activities by coming to meetings, following
the leaders, and advancing from point to point along Akela's trail.
Now, boys give the Cub Scout sign and repeat the promise with me.
(They repeat the Cub Scout Promise.) And, parents, will you please
repeat the following: As a parent, I will do my best to aid and assist my
son in his Cub Scout activities. I will encourage him with enthusiasm,
criticize him with fairness, and judge him with leniency. And, realizing
that Cub Scouting is a program of equal participation for boys and parents,
I will assist as I am able, in serving as a leader, adviser, or worker.
Now, as Cubmaster of Pack [number], I am happy to welcome you into the
pack. Parents, I will give you the Bobcat badges and certificates of
membership to present to your sons.
[ Back To The Top ]
Bobcat Induction
Boys' Life Puzzle
Author: Unknown
Cubmaster, Bobcat candidates, parents, families.
Covered cardboard, tape, Boys' Life covers, scissors, Bobcat badges.
(Have one large piece of cardboard and one magazine cover for each Bobcat
family inducted.)
Cubmaster calls the Bobcat Cub Scout and his family to the front. As he
welcomes them to the pack, he cuts the Boys' Life cover into as many pieces
as there are family members present. He gives each member of the family, the
Cub Scout, parents, brothers, sisters, grandmother, etc., a piece and asks
them to assemble the pieces into the complete picture and tape them on the
board. He gives the family plenty of time. When they finish, he compliments
them on how well they work together.
Cubmaster: As we have seen, this family does things well
together. They know how to help each other accomplish goals. They know how
to get things done. Cub Scouting is for the whole family. The
accomplishments of one member of the family depend a lot on the rest of the
family. It is that way in Cub Scouting. The achievements and awards earned
will always depend on how well you work together.
(The Cubmaster presents the Bobcat badge to a parent, who in turn
presents it to the Cub Scout son.)
[ Back To The Top ]
Parent's Promise
Author: Unknown
Cubmaster, Bobcat candidates, parents.
Bobcat badges and safety pins.
The candidates line up, facing the audience, their parents standing behind
them. The boys give the Cub Scout sign and recite together the Cub Scout
Promise and Law of the Pack. The Cubmaster leads the ceremony in a loud
voice so that all the boys can hear him. Before starting, he asks the Cub
Scouts to speak loudly.
Then all the Bobcat parents give the Cub Scout sign and repeat the
following, one line at a time, after the Cubmaster:
As a parent of a Cub Scout,
I will do my best
To help my boy
Live up to the Cub Scout Promise
And obey the Law of the Pack.
I will work with my boy
On his achievements and projects.
I will attend the pack meetings
And help as needed
To make the pack go.
The Cubmaster then gives each boy the Cub Scout handshake and hands the
Bobcat badges to the parents. The parents pin the badges on their sons'
The Bobcat Cub Scouts are dismissed, and other boys receiving recognition
are called forward. The Cubmaster proceeds in the same way as he did with
the Bobcat Cub Scouts, or he may omit the Cub Scout Promise and Law of the
Pack, depending on the available time. The parents of these boys repeat the
We will continue
To do our best
To help our boys
Along the achievement trail
And share with them the work and Fun of Cub Scouting.
The Cubmaster then presents the badges to the parents, who present them
to their boys.
NOTE: The parents' promise may be typed on a small card
for the Cubmaster.
[ Back To The Top ]
Cub Scout/Parent
Author: Unknown
To help boys
and parents see what working together means, use this demonstration at pack
Cub Scouts, parents, Cubmaster.
A board, 1" by 6"; two finishing nails; two strings, each 18" long; two
metal washers; bucket half-filled with water; Bobcat badges.
Drive a finishing nail into each end of the board slightly off center, with
1/4 inch left protruding. Print ACHIEVEMENT on one side and PARENT
COOPERATION on the other. Put the board in a bucket half-filled with water
and tie a washer on one end of each string. The Cubmaster puts one string
and washer in his pocket.
Cubmaster: (Calls boys and adults forward.) Cub
Scouts, take this string and washer and remove the board from the water by
slipping the washer over the nail. (It will slip off.) Parents,
please do the same thing. (When they have tried and failed, pull the
other string and washer from your pocket and give it to the Cub Scout.)
Now, will you each put a washer on a nail and together pull the board out.
(Together they should succeed. The board will flip so the words can be
Your achievements and awards in Cub Scouting will always depend upon you
working together.
(Cubmaster presents Bobcat badges to parents who, in turn, present
them to the Cub Scouts.)
[ Back To The Top ]
Family Circle
Author: Unknown
Cubmaster, Bobcat candidates and parents, all Cub Scouts and parents.
Electric council fire, Bobcat badges, certificates.
The Bobcat candidates and their parents stand within a circle of Cub Scouts
and parents. The Cubmaster, standing at one side, faces them over the fire.
Cubmaster: You have come tonight seeking admission to
the friendship and fun of Cub Scouting. You have attended a meeting of the
den you expect to join. You have learned, along with your parents, those
things necessary to become a Bobcat. Will you give the Cub Scout sign and
repeat with me the Cub Scout Promise. (They do so.)
Parents, we welcome you. Cub Scouting is for the whole family. Fun and
friendship within this circle come because we have all joined hands, Cub
Scouts and parents, in order to make it so. As parents, you have certain
responsibilities in Cub Scouting. We expect that you will attend the monthly
pack meetings and work with your son on his achievements, approving them for
him when satisfactorily completed. We will expect you to assist, when called
upon along with the rest of the parents, in various leadership capacities.
Will you accept this responsibility?
Parents: We will.
Cubmaster: Parents, please pin this Bobcat badge on your
son making him an official Cub Scout. (Parents place pins on sons.)
This privilege will be yours for each badge he earns. We expect that you
will work as hard as he on some of the projects.' (Cubmaster presents
membership cards.) Your boy is now starting up the Cub Scout trail. May
you all be happy with us in this pack. Cub Scouts, what is your motto?
Cub Scouts: Do Your Best! (The Cubmaster gives each
family the Cub Scout handshake and congratulations.)
[ Back To The Top ]
Cub Scouts
Author: Unknown
Cubmaster, four Cub Scouts, four den chiefs or den leaders, assistant
Cubmaster, Bobcat candidates and parents.
Four cards: three bearing one letter each of the word C-U-B and one with the
complete word SCOUTS; Bobcat badges; safety pins. (A candle or flashlight
could be lighted with each letter for added color and drama.)
Cubmaster: Friends, we welcome you to our ceremony for
new Cub Scout families. Four of our Cub Scouts are holding cards that spell
CUB SCOUT'S. Each letter by itself stands for something special.
lst Den Chief: 'C' stands for courtesy. A Cub Scout is
courteous. He is courteous to his elders, his friends, his teachers, and
especially his parents. He is courteous in all that he says and does.
2nd Den Chief: 'U", stands for unity. When a boy joins a
pack, he becomes a member of a den, too. He does not work alone but with
other boys. He learns to get along with others.
3rd Den Chief: 'B' stands for bravery. The Cub Scout is
courageous enough to stand up for what he thinks is right-honesty and fair
play-thereby making the world a better place in which to live.
4th Den Chief: The word 'Scouts' begins and ends with
'S.' 'S' stands for service. A boy not only serves himself while he is a Cub
Scout, but he also serves others. He helps spread goodwill.
Cubmaster: You have started up the Cub Scout trail. You
are now a Bobcat candidate. There are other ranks to be earned before you
are eligible to become a Scout. There's the Wolf, the Bear, the Webelos
badge, and the Arrow of Light Award.
You have come here tonight seeking admission to the friendship and fun of
Cub Scouting. You have probably attended a meeting of the den you would like
to join. You have learned those things necessary to become a Bobcat Cub
Scout. Will you give the Cub Scout sign and repeat the Cub Scout Promise.
(The Cubmaster may lead this.)
Assistant Cubmaster: Parents, we welcome you. Cub
Scouting is for the whole family. Fun and friendship are found within this
circle, because we have all joined hands to make it happen. As parents, you
have certain responsibilities in Cub Scouting. We expect you to attend the
monthly pack meetings and work with your son on his achievements. We will
expect you to assist, when called upon along with the other parents, in
various leadership capacities. Will you accept this responsibility?
Parents: We will.
Cubmaster: Please pin this Bobcat badge on your son,
making him an official Cub Scout. Each time your son earns an award, it will
be your privilege to present his badge or award. We expect that you will
work just as hard as he does on some of the projects. You start together up
the Cub Scout trail. Remember always the Cub Scout motto: Do Your Best.
[ Back To The Top ]
Induction of
New Families
Author: Unknown
Cubmaster (or committee chairman, advancement chairman, etc.), Bobcat
candidates and parents.
A table, a balanced board with a candle on each end, Bobcat badges.
Cubmaster: (Addressing audience.) We are happy to
welcome all the families with their sons who are here to our pack. (The
Cubmaster calls the names of all new families.) Will you please come
forward. (Parents and sons come forward.)
On the table before us is a unique candle set. There are only two
candies. One candle stands for us, the parents. The other candle stands for
our sons.
With both candles in place, the candle set is in balance. Should we
remove the parents' candle (the Cubmaster removes one candle), the
Cub Scout candle goes down. This is what will happen if we, the parents, do
not assist our Cub Scout sons. (The Cubmaster returns the candle to bring
the pair back into balance.)
Now we want to receive these parents and their sons into the fellowship
of Pack [number]. Will all the parents please rise.
(The Cubmaster lights the candles.)
Will every parent join with these new Cub Scout parents in repeating with
me: We promise to assist our sons in earning the Cub Scout badges. We will
be faithful in our attendance at pack meetings and will assist in every way
possible as we help our sons to do their best.
(All sit down except the new Bobcat Cub Scouts and their parents.)
Now because each of you parents helped your son earn the Bobcat badge,
you will award it to him and give him his certificate.
(Allows time for presentation.) Boys, welcome again to Pack
[number]. Now please face the audience. Will all Cub Scouts rise and make
the Cub Scout sign.
Let us all repeat the Cub Scout Promise.
[ Back To The Top ]
New Bobcat Family
Author: Unknown
Cubmaster, Bobcat candidates and parents.
A blue candle for each boy, matches for the parents, a candle log with a
multicolored (blue, gold, and white) candle in the center, Bobcat
badges, safety pins, and a table.
Place the candle log (unlighted), badges, and pins on the table.
Cubmaster: Cub Scouting is an organization that is very
special and unique. It is one in which many parents devote their time and
talents to provide a program that will aid and guide their sons' growth. As
parents work to strengthen Cub Scouting, so Cub Scouting helps to strengthen
(The Cubmaster calls forward the boys and their parents. They stand
behind the table, facing the audience.)
I call your attention to the multicolored candle in the center of the
candle log. The blue and gold stand for Cub Scouting. Blue, like the color
of your uniform, stands for truth, love of God, loyalty, and the blue sky.
The gold, like that in your neckerchief, stands for sunlight, good cheer,
and happiness. In the candle you will also see white, which represents
parents and the important part they play in the Cub Scouting program.
Parents, please light a candle for your son, as
a symbol of the encouragement and support you will be giving him as he
moves along the Cub Scout trail. (They do.) Will you accept the
responsibility to participate in den and pack activities, help your son with
advancement, and support the pack as much as possible? (Parents answer:
"We will.")
Please give a candle to your son to hold in his left hand.
Boys, please raise your right hand in the Cub Scout sign and repeat with
me the Cub Scout Promise. (They do.)
And now, with your parents guiding your hands, as they will do to help
you in Cub Scouting, I will ask that all of you join your individual flames
together and light the center candle as a sign that we are all united as
members of Pack [number].
(The parents are asked to extinguish the individual candles.)
Parents, we will now ask that you pin the Bobcat badge on your son.
Congratulations, and welcome to our pack!
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The Test of a
Zulu Boy
Author: Unknown
Cubmaster, Bobcat candidates and their parents.
White adhesive tape, Bobcat badges, safety pins.
The Cubmaster brings boys and their parents forward.
Cubmaster: [Boys' names] have successfully completed the
test for Bobcat. Before we present them with the badge of the Bobcat, let me
tell you all a story of long ago, about the test young Zulu boys were given.
Before they were allowed to become scouts and warriors, Zulu boys had to
pass a pretty tough examination. This is what they had to do:
When a boy was nearly old enough to be a warrior, he was taken aside,
stripped of his clothing, and painted white all over. He was given a shield
and a small spear with which to protect himself and to kill small animals.
He was then sent into the bush.
Anyone seeing the boy while he was painted white would hunt and kill him;
and that white paint took about a month to wear off-it would not wash off.
So, for a month the boy had to hide in the bush and live as well as he
could. He had to follow the tracks of the deer, and creep near enough to
spear the animal to get food and clothing for himself. He had to make fire
to cook with by rubbing two sticks together; he had no matches. He had to be
careful not to let his fire smoke too much, or it would catch the eye of
scouts on the lookout for him. He had to be able to run long distances, to
climb trees, and to swim rivers in order to escape from his pursuers. He had
to be brave, and to stand up to a lion or any other wild animal that
attacked him.
He had to know which plants were good to eat and which were poisonous. He
had to make his own cooking pots out of tree bark or clay. He had to build
himself a well-hidden hut to live in. He had to take care that wherever he
went, he left no tracks for his enemies to follow. If he snored when he was
asleep, it would give him away to a keen-eared enemy. He soon learned to
sleep with his mouth shut, and to breathe quietly through his nose.
For a month he had to live this life, sometimes in burning heat,
sometimes in cold and rain. When at last the white stain had worn off, he
was able to return to his village, where he was received with great joy and
allowed to take his place among the young warriors of the tribe. He could go
on to become a 'ring-top'-that is, a proven warrior, who was allowed to wear
a ring on his head. Then he could possibly go on and earn the honorable
title of wolf. But you can imagine that many boys who went out did not get
through their white period at all. Some were killed by wild animals; some
were killed by enemies; and some died of starvation, exposure, or by
drowning. Only the best among them survived.
It was a pretty stiff exam, wasn't it?
Cub Scouting has its tests also. With the help of your parents, you have
completed the first test of a Cub Scout-Bobcat.
It is now my pleasure and joy to present this badge and to call you a
'Bobcat.' (The Cubmaster gives the badges to parents to pin on the boys.)
Are you now ready to follow the [Wolf, Bear, or. Webelos] trail? (The
boys answer.) You have answered that you are ready. Then seal that
pledge by giving the Cub Scout Promise. (They do.) Let me now, as the
leader of this tribe, give you a reminder of the tests that lay before you.
(The Cubmaster places a strip of white adhesive tape on each boy's
forehead.) Remember that some do not successfully complete the tests. In
the Cub Scout Promise, you promised to do your best. If you always remember
to do your best, you will successfully walk the trail of the [Wolf, Bear, or
Webelos]. Go now and do your best, and return to me as an honorable [Wolf,
Bear, or Webelos] Scout.
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Major Bobcat Ceremony Sites
Bobcat Advancement Ceremonies - From the MacScouter mega-site
we have seven ceremonies for your Bobcats. Included are: "Standard
Bobcat Advancement Ceremony", "Cub Scout Spirit Bobcat Ceremony", "Bobcat
Ceremony Trail to Arrow of Light", "The Cat in the Hat Bobcat Ceremony",
"Jungle Book Ceremony for New Cubs", "Akela's Scale", and "Up the Steps in
Cub Scouting"
The Pack 92 Advancement Ceremony - From their Blue &
Gold Banquet in 1996. "This ceremony is a combination of several that
were found on other sites, reworked for our purposes. It was quite
impressive. The "Ooh's" and "Ahh's" when Akela shot the arrows were well
worth it. Here's the setting: Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmaster at the
ceremony table, AOL candleholder on table with candles not lit. Spirit of
Scouting candle lit. Lights low, or spots on table. Drum beat in
background. OA Scout in full Indian regallia, with archery bow over
shoulder walks on stage near the "campfire" .....And so the stage is
set. Check this baby out. It's GREAT!
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