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God, Country, Family, Self
" As Mowgli became older, Baloo taught him the law of the pack, and
the secret master words that let him talk to the other jungle creatures...
all except the Banderlog who did not obey the law of the pack. "
The trail of the Big Bear contains 12 steps. When a Bear Cub has
completed these, he is ready! The following 30+ ceremonies can be used to
help recognize boys who have learned, through the Big Bear experience, to
obey the law of the Pack, just as Mowgli did. Banderlogs need not apply!
Wolf Graduation to Bear
Author: an unknown
Cubmaster, Cub Scouts.
Candles or penlights, Bear neckerchiefs, copies of The Big Bear Cub Scout
Book, electric council fire.
Cubmaster: The wolf was greatly admired by the Indians
for his swiftness, his hunting ability, and his endurance. In fact, the
Indian scout was called a wolf, and the sign was two fingers spread apart,
symbolizing the erect ears of the wolf. The wolf was considered a great
'medicine animal" and in some tribes, the Indian scout wore the skin and
head of the wolf when on a scouting expedition.
(The Cubmaster calls the Cub Scouts forward who are going to be Bears.
They are handed a lighted candle or penlight and stand in front of the
council fire.)
You have followed the trail of the Indian by attaining the rank of Wolf
Cub Scout. You have proven yourself brave, swift, and alert, as your Indian
brothers of the past. Now you must go on to greater honors for yourself and
your parents by earning the Bear badge to prove your greatness. Learn the
ways of our animal friends. Learn about the earth and how to grow food. Look
up to our skies and learn the stories the stars tell.
Let this light be a sign to others that you are now a Bear!
(Blue neckerchiefs and Bear books are handed the boys as they blow out
their candles or turn off their penlights.)
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Bear Neckerchief Ceremony
Author: an unknown
Leader, the Cub Scout, and parents.
A display of the four neckerchiefs of the Scouting program: Wolf, Bear,
Webelos, and Boy Scout; a Bear neckerchief and slide.
Leader: When a boy becomes a Cub Scout he starts on an
upward trail. I say 'upward' because as he grows older he advances in Cub
Scouting. He does not join a Cub Scout pack and then wait idly for 3 years
until he becomes a Boy Scout.
As a boy moves along the Scouting trail, his badges of rank and his
changes in uniform show his progress. One of the changes in uniform is the
neckerchief. These are the four neckerchiefs of Scouting. On the bottom is
the yellow neckerchief worn by those working in the Wolf Cub Scout Book. The
next neckerchief is the blue one worn by those working in the Big Bear Cub
Scout Book. The third neckerchief is for the Webelos Scouts. The neckerchief
on the top represents those worn by Boy Scouts.
[Boy's name], tonight you will receive your Bear neckerchief. The Bear
neckerchief is blue. Blue stands for truth, loyalty, and obedience. You must
learn to obey before you can expect others to obey you. This blue
neckerchief stands for obedience to the Law of the Pack:
The Cub Scout follows Akela.
The Cub Scout helps the pack go.
The pack helps the Cub Scout grow.
The Cub Scout gives goodwill.
Will the parents now remove your son's yellow neckerchief and replace it
with his new Bear neckerchief.
(One parent removes the yellow neckerchief and holds it while the other
parent places the Bear neckerchief around the boy's neck and secures it with
a slide.)
Leader: Let's have a round of applause for [boy's name].
(The audience claps.)
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Bear Advancement
Author: an unknown
ceremony emphasizes family participation in Cub Scouting. Exact wording is
unimportant; don't worry about memorizing. Present it in a conversational
tone. If you have more than one Cub Scout receiving the award, have all boys
and parents come forward at the same time. This ceremony is easily adapted
to all ranks.
Cubmaster, Cub Scouts, parents, den chief.
Bear badges and certificates, safety pins.
Cubmaster: Cub Scouts and parents, tonight we want to
honor those Cub Scouting families who are advancing in rank. Den Chief [den
chiefs name], one of the Cub Scouts in your den is ready to receive his Bear
badge this evening. Is that right? Will you please escort Cub Scout [name]
forward. (The den chief does so.)
[Cub Scout's name], we're really glad that you've reached the Bear rank
in Cub Scouting. It's one more step up the ladder. (The Cubmaster gives
him the Cub Scout handshake.) Are your parents here with you?
Cub Scout: Yes, they are.
Cubmaster: Den Chief [name], will you please escort the
parents forward so they can take part in our ceremony? (The den chief
does so.) We are glad to have you here tonight. (The Cubmaster shakes
hands with the parents.) We want to tell you how much we appreciate the
cooperation you have given. Without it your son might not have reached his
Bear rank. Cub Scouting is a family program, and that means not only that
your son is advancing to the Bear rank, but that the whole family has taken
another step upward, too.
As the Cubmaster, I haven't earned the privilege of presenting the badge
to your son, so I am going to give it to you, [parent's name], and ask you
to present it to your son. (Parent does so and congratulates son.)
Now, will all the Cub Scouts in the audience stand and give [boy's name] a
hand for the fine job of advancement he is doing. (Cub Scouts applaud.)
I'm sure we're all aware of the contribution of [boy's name]'s den
leaders. Will they stand and be recognized? (All applaud.)
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Hunters-Bear Advancement
Author: an unknown
Two leaders dressed as hunters, advancing Cub Scout and parents.
Bear badge.
The two leaders walk through the pack while talking:
No. 1: I'm going on a bear hunt.
No. 2: For a big bear?
No. 1: No, not in size, but big in ideals.
No. 2: Can I go along?
No. 1: Yes, but I am looking for a Cub, and you may have
to help me with his parent(s).
No, 2: OK, but are they dangerous?
No. 1: No, but they are smart.
No. 2: Why is that?
No. 1: Well, you see, they have taught the Cub many
No. 2: Oh, you mean they are wise.
No. 1: Yes. (Quietly:) I think I see him. Yes,
that's him. I'll get the Cub; you get the parent(s).
(They escort the boy and parents forward.)
No. 2: Wait a minute. These aren't wild animals!
No. 1: I never said I was going after wild animals. This
is [boy's name], and he has completed 12 very exciting achievements.
No. 2: Congratulations, [boy's name]. I see you have
done a fine job.
No. 1: Yes, he has done a fine job indeed, but he had
help at home from his family. Before we give [boy's name] his Bear badge, I
would like to say thanks to his family for helping [name] grow.
No. 2: Are these his parent's?
No. 1: Yes.
No. 2: [Parents' names], would you please present your
son [boy's name] with his Bear badge? (They do.)
No. 1: [Boy's name], you are indeed like a Bear. You
have shown yourself to be keen of eye and spirit. Go forth and continue to
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