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Cub Scout Sports

Belt Loop

Complete these three requirements:

  1. Explain the rules of soccer to your leader or adult partner.
  2. Spend at least 30 minutes practicing soccer skills.
  3. Play a game of soccer.

Sports Pin

Earn the Soccer belt loop, and complete five of the following requirements:

  1. Participate in a pack, school, or community soccer tournament.
  2. Demonstrate the skills of passing, collecting, shooting, heading, dribbling, and tackling.
  3. Demonstrate skill in goal keeping.
  4. Accurately lay out a soccer field for a game.
  5. Demonstrate five types of fouls and explain why players should avoid them.
  6. Demonstrate how to juggle the soccer ball and keep it from touching the ground for 30 seconds.
  7. Play at least two games of Soccer Tennis.
  8. Spend at least a total of six hours playing soccer. Keep track of your time on a chart.
  9. Join a soccer team in your community or school.
  10. Attend a high school, college, or professional soccer game.
  11. Learn about a U.S. Olympic soccer team and report your information to your den.
  12. Explain the history of soccer.

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Copyright © 2003 Boy Scouts Of America Pack 358
Last modified: 10/19/04