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Cub Scout Sports
Badminton Loop

Belt Loop

Complete these three requirements:

  1. Explain the rules of badminton to your leader or adult partner.
  2. Spend at least 30 minutes practicing badminton skills.
  3. Participate in a badminton game.

Sports Pin

Earn the Badminton belt loop, and complete five of the following requirements:

  1. Compete in a pack or community badminton tournament.
  2. Demonstrate your knowledge of the use and care of the equipment needed to play badminton: shuttlecock (shuttle or bird), racket, court, net, and comfortable clothes and shoes.
  3. Demonstrate skill in the following grip techniques: forehand and backhand.
  4. Spend at least 60 minutes practicing to develop skills for shots and strokes (clear, drive, drop, and smash). Keep track of your time on a chart.
  5. Demonstrate skill in the following: hit the shuttle using forehand or backhand; hit the shuttle, alternating forehand and backhand; hit the shuttle against the wall with a forehand or backhand; hit the shuttle against the wall, alternating forehand and backhand.
  6. Accurately lay out a badminton court, including net and lines.
  7. Play five games of badminton.
  8. Participate in a badminton skills development clinic.
  9. Play at least three games during which you make your own foul calls effectively to your leader's satisfaction.

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Copyright © 2003 Boy Scouts Of America Pack 358
Last modified: 09/22/04